Antoine Maillard

Research scientist
Inria Paris
Office B120
48 Rue Barrault
75013 Paris

I am a research scientist (“Chargé de Recherches”) at Inria Paris, in the ARGO team.

My research is at the intersection of high-dimensional statistics, probability theory, statistical physics, information theory and random matrix theory. You can find concrete examples of some of my recent interests in the publications section.

I am currently looking for interns and PhD students: motivated students are welcome to contact me! Looking at my recent papers and teaching notes is usually a good way to see if we have similar interests.

Before coming to Inria, I was a Hermann-Weyl Instructor at the FIM (Institute for Mathematical Research) and the department of mathematics at ETH Zürich, mentored by Afonso S. Bandeira. We started there a group blog, with an emphasis on open problems, don’t hesitate to have a look! Even before, I defended my PhD in Theoretical Physics in 2021 in Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris, under the supervision of Florent Krzakala, and the additional guidance of Lenka Zdeborová. I am very glad to have received the 2021 Daniel Guinier Prize of the French Physical Society for it! You can find my PhD thesis here.

For students currently following one of my courses, please have look at the teaching section.

(Some) recent news

Mar 25, 2025 New preprint out on the fundamental limits of matrix sensing problems, with applications to Bilinear Sequence Regression and extensive-width two-layers neural networks with quadratic activation functions.
Feb 06, 2025 I gave a talk on extensive-rank sequence regression and extensive-width neural networks at the workshop “Towards a theory of typical-case algorithmic hardness” in Les Houches. The slides are available here.
Jan 28, 2025 I gave a talk on average-case matrix discrepancy at the “Spin glasses and related topics” session of the Inhomogeneous Random Systems annual workshop at Institut Henri Poincaré. Recent slides on this topic are available here.
Dec 06, 2024 I am happy to announce that I will be joining Inria Paris on January 1st 2025, as a permanent researcher (“Chargé de Recherches”) in the ARGO team. If you want to visit or chat, my future office will be in 48 rue Barrault, 75013 Paris ! :smile:
Nov 29, 2024 I have just uploaded new lecture notes for the advanced topics course on the Mathematics of Data Science I taught at ETH during the fall of 2024! Have a look if you want to learn more (especially open questions) in diverse topics such as discrepancy theory, computational-to-statistical gaps, or the Kac-Rice formula and high-dimensional landsscapes!